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J Concepts


RM2 Red Hot Tire Bands, Red, for 1/10th and 1/8th Off-Road

RM2 Red Hot Tire Bands, Red, for 1/10th and 1/8th Off-Road

Regular price $10.20
Regular price $12.00 Sale price $10.20
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Stock Location: Online Warehouse
Estimated ship date: 03/13/25

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Tire mounting is never an easy task, however, with the RM2 Red Hot tire bands, the process becomes a little easier. JConcepts together with Ryan Maifield have adapted a new style tire band to the arsenal for simplicity, purpose, and a tidy pit area. The molded rubber bands feature some of the design details and construction and made the Satellite rubber bands so successful. For the RM2 version, the diameter has been tightened and handles removed to reduce storage space and increase snap for a variety of tires.

The RM2 logo is embossed on the design, rotated about the center, and appear in Red Hot coloring. Ryan Maifield states - "what I like about these bands, is their ability to work on anything from carpet tires all the way to the size of a truggy tire, one size fits all my needs with these bands. "The RM2 product is designed and sold by JConcepts working directly with the IFMAR World Champion, ROAR National Champion and RC juggernaut, Ryan Maifield. JConcepts, established in 2003, is truly World Proven Innovation and Design.


  • Rubber material for stretch and durability
  • Exclusive design, RM2 embossed logos
  • Red hot coloring and identification
  • Fits a variety of tires from carpet buggy to truggy
  • World Proven Innovation and Design
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